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Writer's pictureReem Ikram

Yo, I'm Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City 🥳💋✨

I'm 23 years old now - and I guess it only makes sense to switch my Hyundai Sonata out for an old beat-up red minivan. I enjoyed my youth as much as I could but now, my times up - Jenny Craig is calling me and she's telling me I need life insurance.

man crying about aging

As I stared in the mirror today, I totally felt like Lindsey Lohan when she found out she was her mother in Freaky Friday. I was the embodiment of Jamie Lee Curtis. I had wrinkles AND I had bags (none of which were Prada, RUDE).

jamie lee curtis calling herself old

Following that harsh wake-up call, I decided to weigh out my pros and cons. And with that, I've realized that though I am one year closer to sitting in a nursing home, I'm also a year smarter. And you know what that means? It means that I'm wise enough to know that Costco sells anti-wrinkle creme and eye bag masks in bulk.


dr.evil from austin powers laughing about his evil plans

All jokes aside, I know 23 is not old. It's just in my current society, this is the age, where most of my peers are already married and adding on to their new families. So, with that, I tend to feel a bit paranoid and overthink my own timeline. But then after some time, I catch myself and re-evaluate my wants and needs.

I am nowhere close to wanting marriage and a family right now. I want my twenties to be full of self-exploration. I want to learn from myself. I want to know me. I can't have that if I dedicate my life's focus to someone else.

To paint a better picture, living in Utah as an unwed 23-year-old is similar to when a super senior visits their old high school and decides not to leave. Like bro, you're old as shit, what do have to show for yourself??? Why are you here???

an old man pretending to be young and hip but is clearly not

But despite not following that stereotype, I would like to share that I'm still happy.

I am happy and content with the accomplishments that I do have. I don't need a husband or a baby to make me feel otherwise.

I am also grateful to know that I don't have to follow a preset and I'm blessed enough to know that I have the power to choose. I urge you to realize that too if you haven't already.

Let's live our lives to the fullest and live with risks rather than regrets!!!

And with that, I rest my case.

Channeling my inner Carrie Bradshaw,

Ya girl Reeeem

Also disclaimer #1: If you are in your 20s, married, and/or have children, this is by no means an attack on your lifestyle. Personally, I just am not ready for that! And despite feeling differently, I would like to share that I am so happy for you and very glad to know that you felt ready enough for that transition in your life. I send all my blessings and wish you the best life you very much deserve (-: I support you!

Disclaimer #2: There is absolutely nothing wrong with growing older. We all are beautiful people and the way our bodies change over time is amazing. I'm excited to watch myself grow into wrinkles and gray hairs as time goes on! To live life and experience everyday is a blessing and I will forever be grateful <3

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